Ask a Dietitian

"Diana, just a quick heads up to let you know we are still using your cookbook and the guys will often be heard saying what would Diana say about this or that....really good feed back... I made your potato salad and the oriental coleslaw on Sat. for a family luncheon and had rave reviews so thanks again."
BC Hydro
Nutrition Questions from October 5/99 Noon News Hour
As seen on BCTV October 5/99
1) Kamloops: Breast feeding… what kind of food should I be eating?
Most important in providing enough energy to you and your baby is to eat enough total calories. Stay well hydrated to promote a good milk supply and pay particular attention to the key nutrients calcium and iron. Avoid or limit caffeine, alcohol and low quality foods.
2) Gail from Victoria: No carbohydrate diet…what do you think?
We all know we should eat a balanced diet – but most people don’t actually know what this means. We need to include some carbohydrate, some protein and some fat calories. In my opinion, most people do eat too many refined, “white in color”, processed grain products. Reducing grain intake by keeping portions small and making the remaining choices high quality, high fibre is the best approach.
3) Donna from Vancouver: Rheumatoid arthritis…what foods can help?
To help arthritis emphasize fresh vegetables and fruit (i.e. make them the largest portion of all meals), water and essential fats from fish oils, nuts and vegetable oils. Make most protein choices plant based and low in fat.
4) Brenda from Richmond: Calcium…roasted soy nuts…
Roasted soy nuts are an excellent snack and a good source of protein. However, the calories can add up quickly. So keep portions to about 1/3 cup when you do snack on them. They are not known as a stellar source of calcium. Good sources of calcium are all milk products, fortified soy foods, salmon with bones, almonds and green leafy vegetables. Even an orange has about 50 mg calcium. However, animal sources of calcium are used more readily in the body than plant sources.
5) Lindsay from Quesnel: hypoglycemic… wants to lose weight.
To keep your blood sugar and energy level up while “stoking the fire” of your metabolism to burn calories and fat efficiently, eat 3 meals with 2 to 3 small snacks in the day. Do not let more than 3-4 hours pass without eating. Stay well hydrated. Don’t eat grain products plain – always add a small amount of protein to help stabilize blood sugar. Good luck!
Watch for the Eating for Energy segment every Tuesday on BCTV’s Noon News Hour!
Article written by Patricia Chuey and reprinted with permission