Ask a Dietitian

"Diana, just a quick heads up to let you know we are still using your cookbook and the guys will often be heard saying what would Diana say about this or that....really good feed back... I made your potato salad and the oriental coleslaw on Sat. for a family luncheon and had rave reviews so thanks again."
BC Hydro
Nutrition Questions from October 12/99 Noon News Hour
As seen on BCTV October 12/99
1) Robert: He used to weigh 320 pounds, lost 50 pounds… weightlifting… what can I do to speed up metabolic rate..?
Exercise will do the most for cranking up your metabolism. You may want to consider adding more workouts to your routine and at a higher intensity. As far as diet goes, some people feel cayenne pepper and spicy foods have a positive effect on metabolism. Also, as always, be sure to eat several small feedings a day and stay well hydrated.
2) Janet from South Surrey: Fruit and vegetable wash…
We will likely see more of these products in the marketplace as concern about food safety continues to grow. A produce wash is a good idea. However, avoid a false sense of security these products may give. Still use lots of water and scrub the produce just as if you were washing dishes.
3) North Vancouver: Pesticide content in fruit juices…
To get an exact sense of this, your best bet is to contact the individual company directly. There is usually a 1-800 number on the package. If not, call information for the city the product comes from to get the number. Ask for someone in the public relations department.
4) Kay from Creston: Diet: Blood type diet, low carbohydrate and other diets. What is best for weight loss?
When you want to get different results from your body, you have to do different things. I strongly feel that exercise is the most important place to start when wishing to burn body fat. Next, to keep your body burning energy, eat small feedings all day and stay well hydrated. You may need to alter the ratio of protein: carbohydrate: fat in your diet but usually not to the extreme described in the low carbohydrate diet books.
5) Maureen from Abbotsford: Omega-3 fatty acids…
The essential fats can be found in fish and fish oils, nuts and seeds and the oils of canola, olive, nuts and flax. These are required, healthy fats in the diet. The worst types of fat of all are hydrogenated vegetable oil and vegetable oil shortening used in many processed foods.
6) Elizabeth from North Vancouver: High blood pressure… what should I eat?
In addition to eating less salt, the most important measure you can take is to eat more vegetables and fruit. Make sure you have more of these in your diet than grain products. Further, stay active with a regular exercise program.
Watch for the Eating for Energy segment every Tuesday on BCTV’s Noon News Hour!
Article written by Patricia Chuey and reprinted with permission