Ask a Dietitian

Ask a Dietitian

"Diana, just a quick heads up to let you know we are still using your cookbook and the guys will often be heard saying what would Diana say about this or that....really good feed back... I made your potato salad and the oriental coleslaw on Sat. for a family luncheon and had rave reviews so thanks again."

Maeghan Henke
BC Hydro

Nutrition Questions from March 2/99 Noon News Hour

March 2nd, 1999

As seen on BCTV March 2/99

Here are the responses to the viewer questions from March 2, 1999.

1) How to keep your energy up all day?
Whether you’re diabetic or not, to keep your energy level up aim to eat every 3 hours during the day. Eat mixed meals containing both protein and carbohydrate foods. Before exercise, add a small amount of protein to a mostly carbohydrate meal to help sustain blood sugar levels. Some examples of protein that could be added include: nuts, seeds, milk products or lean meat like chicken or fish. If you take insulin, check with your doctor about how to adjust it before exercise.

2) Nancy from Sechelt:
How to feed a vegan who is allergic to wheat and milk and who won’t eat from the night shade family? The nightshade family of vegetables includes tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and bell peppers. Although one would miss out not eating these, he can still emphasize all the other fruits and vegetables. Consider soy milk and other soy products and nuts and seeds for protein. Eat rice and rice-based foods for grain products. Consider a B12 supplement or nutritional yeast as B12 is only found in animal foods. A vegan style of eating is very healthy if well planned. If you’re at a loss for how to ensure your diet is balanced, meet with a registered dietitian who can assist you.

3) Melanie from Port Alberni:
What is the difference between tempeh and tofu.? Tofu is a solid white, cheeselike curd made from soybeans. Firm tofu works well in stir frys. Soft tofu, the texture of tofu works well in shakes and sauces. Tempeh is also a curd-like, soy food, however it is fermented with mold. Both products contain B vitamins, vitamin A, minerals and compounds called isoflavones which may protect cells against cancer. People sensitive to molds should avoid fermented products.

4) Laurie from Surrey is allergic to milk…
In addition to milk products, calcium can be found in dark green leafy vegetables like kale and bok choy, broccoli and other dark green vegetables. It is also found in almonds, salmon with bones, figs and fortified soy products. If you don’t drink milk and use a supplement, 1000 milligrams a day with added vitamin D is a good amount to take. (The maximum calcium to take per day by supplement is 2500 milligrams.)

Watch for the Eating for Energy segment every Tuesday on BCTV’s Noon News Hour!

Article written by Patricia Chuey and reprinted with permission