Ask a Dietitian

Ask a Dietitian

"Diana, just a quick heads up to let you know we are still using your cookbook and the guys will often be heard saying what would Diana say about this or that....really good feed back... I made your potato salad and the oriental coleslaw on Sat. for a family luncheon and had rave reviews so thanks again."

Maeghan Henke
BC Hydro

Nutrition Month 2017

February 28th, 2017

March is Nutrition Month and this year Dietitians of Canada is working to help Canadians Take the Fight out of Food. Every day I speak with clients, friends and family who are confused about what nutrition information to trust or are struggling to put healthy habits into action for themselves or their family members. We want to make eating joyful again and not a source of everyday frustration and confusion. If you’re fighting with food, try this 3 Step Approach derived from the Stages of Change Theory.

  1. Spot the Problem: define what’s causing your fight with food first. This is the Contemplation stage where you recognize that there is a problem and you identify it.
  2. Get the Facts: use facts from credible sources to decide what needs to be done to solve the problem. This is the Preparation phase helping you get ready to take action.
  3. Seek Support: Put the plan into action with support from a dietitian, family and friends. This is the action phase where you make behavior change and the maintenance phase where you work with supporters to help you maintain the behavior.

This year dietitians are helping Canadians overcome some of the most common food fights they have with themselves or others such as:

Dealing with Digestive Woes

Managing Picky Eating

Managing a Health Condition like Diabetes

Emotional or Stress Eating


Almost half (49%) of Canadians are turning to the internet for answers about what foods are best for them and their families, unfortunately not all of this information accurate or the best advice for their specific needs. To help you evaluate on-line health information there are a few key questions you can ask:

  1. Who runs the website? Can you trust them?
  2. Is it selling something? Who pays for the website?
  3. What does the site say-does it sound too good to be true?
  4. Where does the information come from? Is it based on more than one clinical study? Was the study done in humans or animals? Is it current?
  5. Is the information reviewed? Is there an editorial board?

Nutrition information is coming from all directions, in 2015 the number of research studies that mentioned the word nutrition increased by 54% from 2013. Many Canadians have information overload-they need a resource who can give them the right advice for their specific needs. Dietitians are experts at finding the facts and giving the advice that is right for you.

Credible, trusted and reputable websites include

Join Canadians this Nutrition Month and Take the Fight out of Food at