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"Diana, just a quick heads up to let you know we are still using your cookbook and the guys will often be heard saying what would Diana say about this or that....really good feed back... I made your potato salad and the oriental coleslaw on Sat. for a family luncheon and had rave reviews so thanks again."

Maeghan Henke
BC Hydro

Morning Sickness Survival

December 5th, 2017

Having morning sickness usually starts around week 6 of the first trimester and for some can continue to the 2nd trimester.  Although it is unpleasant it is a good sign that you are producing lots of pregnancy hormones.  There are several things you can do to try to reduce the symptoms of morning sickness.  The first thing to think about is staying well-nourished and hydrated.  If you are vomiting frequently or avoiding food to stop you from feeling sick it’s time to start listening to your body and go with what you crave (so long as it is food that is safe during pregnancy).

Tips for Managing Symptoms of Morning Sickness

  1. Have breakfast in bed. For some, just waking up with an empty stomach can trigger nausea.  Consider having dry Cheerios or saltine crackers beside your bed and eat a few before you jump out of bed.
  2. Eat Often. Having small amounts of food regularly throughout the day can also help keep morning sickness at bay for some people.  Avoid large meals which may leave you feeling stuffed and uncomfortable.
  3. Sleep more. Being over-tired can trigger nausea for some people so take advantage of any opportunity you might have to get a little shut-eye.
  4. Drink water between meals. Often separating your liquids and your solids can help.
  5. Choose cool or room temperature foods. Warm foods tend to have more odor which can be a trigger for some.
  6. Limit trigger foods. Not everyone has the same trigger food.  For me it was cooked meat.   Common trigger foods include greasy fried foods, sweet foods and beverages, spicy food and gas producing foods such as Brussels sprouts or broccoli.
  7. Eat Bland. Often plain foods with little aroma such as bread, rice, cereal and crackers are more appealing.
  8. Stop Iron. If you are taking an iron supplement consider discontinuing it for a while.  You can start it again in the 2nd  If your iron is in your pre-natal, be sure to take folic acid separately.
  9. Take Ginger. Ginger is a scientifically proven nausea remedy.  There are supplements available or you can make tea with fresh ginger, chew on a small piece or eat a ginger candy.  Even flat Ginger ale can help.
  10. Sniff Lemons. Smelling freshly cut lemon, lemon rind or lemon essential oils may help reduce nausea.
  11. Eat Vitamin B6. B6 has been shown to reduce symptoms as well.  Foods such as watermelon, bananas, potatoes, salmon, meat, poultry, nuts and whole grains.  If you take a supplement don’t take more than 100mg/day.

If you have been vomiting frequently it is important to replace fluids and electrolytes.  Sports electrolyte replacements such as NUUN or Vega hydrator or Gatorade can help.

The Bottom Line:  Don’t stress, try to relax, breath some fresh air and take a break.  Remember, our bodies are incredibly resilient.  A few weeks of nausea and vomiting is not going to harm your baby.  The baby will take what it needs from your energy stores.  Try to eat what you can and what appeals to you at the time, as long as it is safe for pregnancy (no raw fish or unpasteurized cheese please).