Ask a Dietitian

"Diana, just a quick heads up to let you know we are still using your cookbook and the guys will often be heard saying what would Diana say about this or that....really good feed back... I made your potato salad and the oriental coleslaw on Sat. for a family luncheon and had rave reviews so thanks again."
BC Hydro
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
As seen on BCTV April 6/99
Despite what some people believe, we need an average of 8 hours of sleep a night. Enough sleep for you is the amount that leaves you alert and energized the next day. We do not adapt to chronic sleep deprivation. Instead, we can develop problems like sore eyes, more accidents, muddied thoughts, depression and less life enjoyment. If you have major sleep disturbances, contact your doctor.
Be aware that the following food issues affect sleep:
1) Limit or avoid all alcohol. Even though it may make you feel relaxed, it can have a negative effect on the quality of your sleep.
2) Avoid coffee and tea, especially after noon.
3) Avoid eating heavy meals late in the evening.
4) Consider snacking on milk and cookies to help you feel relaxed.
Watch for the Eating for Energy segment every Tuesday on BCTV’s Noon News Hour!
Article written by Patricia Chuey and reprinted with permission