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Ask a Dietitian

"Diana, just a quick heads up to let you know we are still using your cookbook and the guys will often be heard saying what would Diana say about this or that....really good feed back... I made your potato salad and the oriental coleslaw on Sat. for a family luncheon and had rave reviews so thanks again."

Maeghan Henke
BC Hydro

Breakfast in 5 minutes

September 12th, 2018

Everyone has time for breakfast.  There are so many simple ways to get the nutrients you need before you leave for the day.  Breakfast should contain a good source of protein from foods like egg, nuts, milk or Greek yogurt.  It should also include a fruit or vegetable and it is a great time to have a whole grain.

Here are several breakfast ideas you can do at home in 5 minutes or less.

  1. Peanut butter on whole grain toast with apple slices sprinkled with granola
  2. Oatmeal, walnuts, blueberries and milk
  3. Fruit and yogurt smoothie, 1/4 cup oats blended in.
  4. Broccoli and cheddar egg cups on whole grain toast

6 eggs blended with 4 tbsp milk, pour into greased muffin tin (I use butter), add steamed broccoli florets and sprinkle with grated cheese.  Bake at 350 degrees for 15 min.  For variation, press 1 slice ham into bottom of muffin tin, add spinach leaves and diced tomato, crack egg into cup and sprinkle with cheese.  Bake same as above.

  1. French Toast with strawberries and vanilla yogurt: Heat skillet and melt 1 tsp butter. For 2 slices bread, whip 1 egg with 1 tbsp milk, drench bread and cook on heated skillet until browned on both sides.  Top with yogurt and sliced fruit.
  2. Egg, cheddar and spinach sandwich with salsa or tomato. Whip one egg with 1 tbsp milk in coffee mug or bowl and cook in microwave 1 minute.  Meanwhile toast English muffin, top with spinach, tomato and cheese.  Add cooked egg.  Make ahead and reheat in microwave if you like.

I like to use butter when cooking eggs.  It adds flavour my kids love and is easy and simple to use. There is no need to fear butter, it can easily fit into a healthy diet and should still be used in moderation. Current research shows that not all saturated fats are created equal and perhaps they are not the main culprit in heart disease.  If adding butter to healthy foods like steamed vegetables makes you eat more vegetables, then I’m all for it.  My favorite ways to use butter are on grilled cheese, in a herb butter for steak or potatoes, sautéed garlic prawns and in the topping of a fruit crisp.