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Ask a Dietitian

"Diana, just a quick heads up to let you know we are still using your cookbook and the guys will often be heard saying what would Diana say about this or that....really good feed back... I made your potato salad and the oriental coleslaw on Sat. for a family luncheon and had rave reviews so thanks again."

Maeghan Henke
BC Hydro

Have Fun In The Sun, But Don’t Forget Your Water Bottle

June 13th, 2000

As seen on BCTV June 13/00


Summer is coming so protect yourself and your family from heat illness by staying well hydrated. Be especially careful when playing sports outdoors. By the time you are thirsty you are already slightly dehydrated. Get in the habit of drinking regularly.

Some of the symptoms of dehydration include feeling dizzy or lightheaded, a lack of concentration, headaches, low energy, increased heart rate and hunger. Dark yellow urine can also indicate dehydration.

Considerations when choosing your beverage:

  • Why are you Dinking? Is it for thirst? Energy? Pleasure?
  • Food quality: What nutrients are you getting from the beverage? Does it have carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals?
  • Sugar and fat content: How many calories are you drinking?
  • Dehydrating factors: caffeine, sugar, salt.Best and worst hydrating fluids:
  • Watershould be used as the primary hydrating fluid and should be used for quenching thirst.
  • Juices that say fruit cocktail, punch or beverage are not pure juice and have added sugar, which is dehydrting.
  • They may have some added vitamins, but are not as nutrient dense as 100% real fruit juice.
  • Milk is a food. It provides carbohydrate, protein and fat, as well as calcium and vitamin D. It is hydrating, so you can count it as one of your eight glasses. This is great, just so long as you don’t drink it by the liter for hydration because it does contain calories, 100 per cup.
  • If your child is a picky eater, have a look at how many calories they get from milk and juice.
  • Pop can have caffeine and 1 can of coke has 9 tsp of sugar (150 kcal), both of which are dehydrating.
  • Coffee and tea have caffeine and are dehydrating, but herbal tea can be counted in your 8!
  • Alcohol is also dehydrating, not to mention the 100+ calories per glass.
  • Kool-Aid, iced tea and lemonade are sweet, caloric beverages that can also be dehydratingBeverages for the summer:
  • Make your own lemonade with fresh lemon juice and sugar or iced tea with a tea bag, sugar and lemon.
  • Make spritzers with 1/4 real juice and 3/4 soda water.
  • This cuts the calories and still provides taste.
  • Blend fruit or fruit purees with ice to make iced fruit smoothiesKeep You Hydrated:
  • Drink water at 1:1 ratio with alcohol, pop, caffeine
  • Have extra with sweet or salty foods
  • Carry a water bottle

Drink water with every meal and snack Watch for the Eating for Energy segment every Tuesday on BCTV’s Noon News Hour!